Bullet points and bullshit

Bullet points and bullshit


Klassikere & lyrik


252 sider

ISBN: 9788743004882

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 28.02.2018

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: poem, lyric, poetry, drawing, portrait


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The guns are
loaded and the
fuses are lit
bullet points
and bullshit
and mash is a
solid hit
bullet points
and bullshit.

they say that
blood is thicker
than water
bullet points
and bullshit
and white wine
is tap waters
tasty daughter
bullet points
and bullshit.

Ramsalte has lived and worked out of Miri in Sarawak and Kuala Belait in Brunei and has spent precious time going up the rivers into the jungles of Borneo visiting local Ibans and Dajaks. In the longhouses where some of the young men he worked with on the off shore oil rigs came from and young girls working as amas in the houses of the expats it was a time he treasured very much and a time that still brings happy memories.


Ramsalte was born in Denmark but has spent most his adult life in the Middle East the Far East and in South America.
He has lived several years in Borneo Sarawak and Singapore and a long period of his life in the southern part of Spain. He is presently residing in Copenhagen, Denmark, writing books and making artwork.

On his webside: portraitworkshop.dk a selection of resent artwork is made available.

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