Acupuncture Meridians and Points

Acupuncture Meridians and Points

Sumiko Knudsen

Sundhed & ernæring


200 sider

ISBN: 9788743012016

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 28.10.2019

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: acupuncture, Acupuncture Points, Acupuncture Meridians and Points, Acupoints Location with Diagram, Chinese Acupuncture Points


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Acupuncture points are the places where acupuncture needle is applied for the treatment of diseases. Acupuncture point locations are related to Qi and Blood flowing and this energy system defined pathway from internal organs and meridians converges and disperses. Stimulation through acupuncture points can correct imbalance and blockages in the flow of energy for restoring health.

This book tells you about the name and location of acupuncture points and shows you easily understandable explanation for finding the acupuncture point.

This book is for Acupuncture students and practitioners.
Sumiko Knudsen

Sumiko Knudsen

Sumiko Knudsen er født i Japan, og hun har i mange år boet i USA, UK og Danmark. Hun blev uddannet på Nordic College of Chinese Acupuncture i Danmark, og derefter fortsatte hun og studerede ved Beijing University of TCM i Kina. Derefter studerede hun på Nanjing University of TCM i Kina, og hun fik Ph.D.
Hun er en privatpaktiker i Danmark.

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