Won´t do it!

Won´t do it!

Your guide to Health, Freedom and Happiness

Per Nygaard

Sundhed & ernæring


818,9 KB

Kopibeskyttelse: Vandmærke

ISBN: 9788771459753

Forlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 22.08.2014

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: self-deception, life, Control, Responsibility, health


inkl. moms

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How much do you put up with? Who is really in control of your life?
Health, freedom and happiness are basically about responsibility - the responsibility for your self, your actions and your own development.

With this book “Won´t do it” you get a simple and extremely relevant book for your enlightment and development of your own possibilities to understand how to change the things, you wish to be different in your life.

In a humorous and easily understandable way, Danish writer Per Nygaard, guides you through the layers of self-deception in which we often abstain ourselves from taking the responsibility needed to become healthy, free and happy!

Even though this book is very inspirational reading, it is also extreme practical in today’s society and comes with various examples on not only why, you should bother changing, but also how to it.
The book requires no qualifications, except the wish and ability to say: WON´T DO IT!
Per Nygaard

Per Nygaard

Per Nygaard har grundlagt, ejer og driver Tao Ninja Skole ved Skælskør, som tusindvis af børn har besøgt siden åbningen i 2013. Tao Ninja Skoles formål er at give børn selvværd, mod og styrke. Gennem ninjaleg og via ninjaens filosofi om lydløshed, ydmyghed, styrke, tålmodighed og mod træner børnene både krop og sind. Det er på denne baggrund Yang-bogen er opstået. Tanken er at ninjaens gode dyder kan inspirere børn til mere fysisk aktivitet, sunde tanker og en højere grad af selvtillid.

Per Nygaard er født i 1969, far til 6 plus to bonusbørn, har trænet kampsport siden han var 6 år. Per lever i dag på fuld tid af at undervise i kampsport, personlig udvikling og ikke mindst ninjatræning.

Website: www.pernygaard.dk

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