Why don't you get this? gives scientists and physicians the means to understand and play by the rules of journalistic communication. You get the basic principles for communicating and handling the media and understanding of how journalists work. In the book you will find examples of how different angles to the same story may leave very different impressions with the reader. Further, you will learn how to determine what turns a certain story into big news. You will gain useful tools to sharpen your key message and define your target groups. Finally, the book provides tricks and ideas on how to write a press release in order for you to successfully communicate about your research in the press.
The author is a medical doctor, ph.d., and a journalist with many years of experience in science communication. She demonstrates in a highly tangible way how you make it work, when you communicate with and through journalists.
Forlaget SharPen
SharPen has previously published 'Forstå dog, hvad jeg mener - Guide til kommunikation og mediehåndtering for læger og forskere' ISBN 978-87-994812-1-7
Der findes endnu intet indhold under "Pressen skriver".