Who killed Laura Foster?

Who killed Laura Foster?

My view on a 150-year old murder

Jan Kronsell

Historie & biografier


416 sider

ISBN: 9788743014676

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 24.02.2020

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: Tom Dooley, Trial and execution, Songs and legends, USA, North Carolina


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The murder of Laura Foster in 1866 has been the source of many legends and both in fiction and non-fiction it has inspired many authors.

The murder, which in the end led to the conviction and execution of Thomas C. Dula, also inspired the famous song, The Ballad of Tom Dooley.

In this book I go through the surviving records from the time and tell the story based on these facts, before I try to give my own explanation of what actually happened in Western North Carolina in the difficult times following the American Civil War.
Jan Kronsell

Jan Kronsell

Jan Kronsell lives in Denmark, in Brøndby.

He has served as an officer in the Royal Danish Navy and worked as an IBM Systems Engineer. Today he works as a Business College Teacher.

He has visited western North Carolina numerous times and has been researching the Dooley-case since 2000.

He is the author of The Doctor's Secret, a novella about the murder of Laura Foster, based on much of the research that is not published.

He is also the author of Land of Friendliness and Beauty - A Danes Guide to Western North Carolina.

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