What is mariology?

What is mariology?

- in theory and practice

Jakob Munck

Det spirituelle


391,3 KB

Kopibeskyttelse: Vandmærke

ISBN: 9788771885262

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 10.06.2016

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: Mary, Virgin Mary, Mariology, Christianity, psychology


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Mariology is the world's oldest kind of spirituality. This book is a collection of articles about the use of Mariology in thinking and in practical life. The index includes such diverse topics as "Mary and the great religions", "If Mary was prime minister", "Catholic and Orthodox Mariology", "Catholicism Protestantism and Mariology", "Mariology and vocation", "Mary's seven pains", "Mariology and culture", "Showdown with the Jesus-religion" and "Mariology and marketing". The book also includes a glossary, to make it easy to understand the topics being discussed.
The book is a good introduction to Mariology - the oldest spirituality in the world.
Jakob Munck

Jakob Munck

Jakob Munck (b. 1948) is a Cultural Sociologist from Copenhagen. He has written 30 books, whose titles and content can be seen on his website (www.jamu.dk).

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