

Brian Ingemann Schierning Holme

Klassikere & lyrik


115,7 KB

Kopibeskyttelse: Vandmærke

ISBN: 9788743083078

Forlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 22.12.2020

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: Observe, Empathy, Poems, emotions, hardship


inkl. moms

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The observation of human daily lives spectated through the eyes of an empath.

The thoughts, emotions and conditions that reflects the many impressions of the masses, as well as the one individual.
Brian Ingemann Schierning Holme

Brian Ingemann Schierning Holme

My entire life I have observed the diversity that is humans through the eyes of an empath. These encounters have been written down in the form of poems, novels, short stories and manuscripts. For many years I have resided as an actor and a film buff and is the reason
I write in pictures.

All that I do is to open the eyes and hearts of man.

I have experienced a lot in my short lifespan, because my medium is openness and curiosity and therein my work is reflected.

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