Things I Needed To Say

Things I Needed To Say

Monica Lee, Jørgen Panduro

Historie & biografier


178,6 KB

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ISBN: 9788743082941

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 14.12.2020

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: relationship, Love, communication, Intimacy, poetry


inkl. moms

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What you are about to read in this book are poetic conversations between two people in love that have never met physically. It is both a play and sincerity with words, concepts, emotions and life that unfolds a love story that we wanted to give to others to say that love isn´t impossible and it has no borders.

It is also a book where we put out our ideas that, in our opinion, are essential concepts for love to thrive while getting to know each other as a couple would in the beginning of any relationship.

You will see the authors are quite different, but on the same path. Her words are wild like paint splattered on a canvas with brush strokes everywhere and he responds in a more poetically choreographed manner to create "Poetic Conversations".

Monica and Jørgen
Monica Lee

Monica Lee

Monica is a Relationship/Intimacy Coach, Sex Educator/ Advocate, writer, Tantra Educator, Public Speaker, Host and Creator of Front Porch Sex Talk with Monica Lee and a nurse.

She has clients all over the world that she speaks to and helps them connect with themselves and their partners on a deeper level of cosmic bliss through her practice The Art of Sensual Being.

Her Podcast, Front Porch Sex Talk with Monica Lee reaches millions of people all over the world as she speaks about dating, love, intimacy, relationships, divorce, sexual health and dysfunctions, sex over 65, and tantra.

She currently lives in Texas with her sidekick Pitbull, George and where she is known to her friends and family as the Moon Goddess driving her jeep and walking barefoot at midnight sipping her sweet tea!

Jørgen Panduro

Jørgen Panduro

Jørgen Panduro has a Master´s Degree (MBC) Master´s in Business Coaching with specialty in Protreptic which is an old Greek art of conversation through concepts.

Jørgen is also the author of the book, Pan Poetica ISBN: 978-87-4302-709-6, which is a collection of poems mainly written in Danish, but there are 11 poems written in English, 2 in German and 1 in Swedish.
It has the subtitle Meaningful poems.

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