The Song of Silence
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The Song of Silence

Seize the opportunity to discover what you truly are

Deep Suri

Romaner & noveller


751,6 KB

Kopibeskyttelse: Vandmærke

ISBN: 9788743022848

Forlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 22.05.2024

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: Spiritual epiphany, The illusion of the self, Break free from the chains of the self, Existential epiphany, esoteric


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Seeing and experiencing the world as it is is freedom and peace in itself, but the spiritual seeker who seeks the answer to life’s biggest mystery, "Who is the experiencer of the I," must aspire, through self-contemplation, to find an articulate, all-embracing answer to the true meaning and significance of the concepts of “freedom” and “peace.” What is their true power. Can freedom and peace be internalized through the intellect, or is true, genuine freedom and peace an experience and a state in itself, a state where true and false do not configure, a state where opposites cannot force their entry, an unshakable point in the emptiness, in the empty space. In the empty inner and outer space, united and undivided, where silence and awareness merge in an ...
By embracing silence in an atmosphere of absolute presence, where the limitations of language fade away and the all-pervading power of silence fills the space surrounding the human body, communication will occur without effort. This eternal, ever-present silence is the universal language for all beings that enter this universe. Observing each other in silence is to transcend the world of conclusions, where outwardly, two different entities with their own perceptions of the world, limited by nationality, culture, and religion, merge into one entity that communicates through the timeless language of silence.
The most profound discovery we can make on this stage of life is that there is no “I,” that our existence is merely a mental projection playing out in the mind, through the stormy sea of learned concepts and ideas.
Deep Suri

Deep Suri

Situeret i Helsingør Danmark, født og opvokset i Helsingør, for til sidst at blive befriet i Helsingør. Bogen “Stilhedens sang” udspringer af det essentielle lys, hvor formernes leg med hinanden, udfolder sig, udspiller sig på livets scene. Denne bogs tilblivelse, har været igennem en tiårige proces, hvor en permanent altruistisk kærlighed, har ført pennen i nedskrivningen af denne tidsløse vejviser til det absolutte selv.

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