The Path to the 5th Dimension

The Path to the 5th Dimension

A Spiritual Journey

Britt Bartenbach

Samfund, politik, kultur & medier


244 sider

ISBN: 9788743012795

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 09.08.2020

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: Åndelig udvikling, Spirituel udvikling, Selvhjælpsbog, Livsvisdom, den gyldne tid i vandbærerens tidsalder


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The Path to the 5th Dimension provides the reader with a wealth of inspiration on how to cope with the challenges of life in our complicated world of duality. It shows how each of us has the power to change our world for the better; not only for ourselves - but for Humanity at large and our Planet.
Humanity and Earth are going through a time of transition as we are leaving the end times of the Age of Pisces. Our entry into the Golden Age of Aquarius holds great promise for the fulfilment of ascension into a fifth-dimensional reality of higher consciousness. The Path to the 5th Dimension contains valuable pearls of wisdom from esoteric and hermetic teachings suggesting ways of applying our mental capacities to attain inner peace of mind and true freedom. The book is a constructive aid to those aspiring to master the Art of Living.
Britt Bartenbach

Britt Bartenbach

Britt Bartenbach Danish author and writer
Born in Denmark in 1947. After having travelled extensively and lived in Australia, she resettled in Denmark where she took up journalism and became engaged in voluntary social work.
She has published a series of non-fiction books and produced countless articles and radio interviews. From her many years in journalism she has gained an invaluable insight into human nature. Coupled with her lifelong study of the mysteries of life, she is now sharing of her knowledge and personal experiences in The Path to the 5th Dimension.

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