Nøgleord: Creativity training book for kids, bedtime stories for kids, best girl adventure books, adventure books for kids, children's book about sea animals
A series of short stories of the island girl from the Sulu Sea will revolve around the Sustainable Development Goals.
In this story, explore along with Ocean as she discovers a sad blue-eyed turtle in their garden. The book is told in a rhythm of rhymes that sparks curiosity about culture and geography. The story offers a good message about the plight of underwater life and motivates children to dig deeper into marine conservation. The book touches on feelings that ...
... cultivates compassion ... cultivates selflessness ... cultivates caring ... cultivates a new way of thinking
The book also includes research-based creativity training, which is a good way for both parents and children, students and teachers to be creative together engaging with the underwater life problem together through creative exercises. Kids generating ideas to solve the problems, expressing themselves and transforming ideas into reality, being ok with ambiguity, exploring possibilities and just having fun.
I 2010 flyttede Zaina til Danmark med sin danske mand og sammen har de to børn. Her læste hun en kandidat i Kultur, Kommunikation og Globalisering. Zaina er desuden certificeret Creative Genius Facilitator fra Aalborg Universitet.
Zaina er født og opvokset på Borneo. Her fik hun øjnene op for, hvor vigtig det er, at vi bevarer den fantastiske natur. Zainas barndom bar præg af livet ved havet, hvor hun sammen med hendes far udforskede det fantastiske liv under vand. Disse indtryk fra barndommen har gjort Zaina til en stærk forkæmper for bl.a. bevarelsen af diversiteten under havoverfladen.
Zainas intention med hendes bog er at fremme medfølelse og omsorgen for vores planet og udvikle en nye måder at tænke på. som kan inspirere den kommende generation til aktivt at gå forest i kampen for en bæredygtig verden. Den verden vi i høj svigter lige nu.
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