The human factor in esport

The human factor in esport

Esport psychology

Morten Saxtorff Andreasen, Trine Bjerremand Caspersen



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Kopibeskyttelse: Vandmærke

ISBN: 9788743016939

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 28.06.2019

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: Esport, Development, Team, athlete, psychology


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If you want to master your game, you must first learn to master yourself.

The world of esport is developing at a constant velocity, paving the way for technological competitions across the globe. The athletes participating at all levels are facing immense opportunity and serious difficulties. How can we meet these opportunities and problems in a way that lets us grow as individuals, teams, leaders, and organizations?

This book examines how psychology can help esports athletes, coaches, managers, and organizations build durable and long-lived careers. By using essential psychological theory and method, it explores how you can make the most of your gaming, and reach the top of your capabilities, both in-game and IRL.

The book features two parts:
First, a theoretical walkthrough of how psychology can help the esports world, with considerations about the typical esports careers, team development, and personal development.

Secondly, a dive into methods and models to use psychological theory from sports psychology and business psychology to develop yourself and your team (all models and methods from the exist in a printable version in the appendix of the book).

When you have read this book, you can expect to have a greater understanding of the psychological factors of esport. You will have gained tools to develop yourself and your team in tune with sports - and business psychological research from the last five decades. If you take the time and effort to practice these new insights and tools, you will be on your towards mastering yourself - to master your game!
Morten Saxtorff Andreasen

Morten Saxtorff Andreasen

Is a passionate psychologist, keen on making use of technology to develop people. He has experience within the world of esports himself and uses this insight when applying psychological tools from his profession to help individual esport athletes and teams.

Trine Bjerremand Caspersen

Trine Bjerremand Caspersen

With her extensive knowledge and experience from the world of psychological treatment, Trine has supplied vast amounts of theory and practice to the creation of the book. Besides from her education as a psychologist, Trine has multiple specializations and has an ongoing thirst for new knowledge and development.

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