The Diamond Dinner

The Diamond Dinner

Short story

Peter Gronbek

Romaner & noveller


134,2 KB

Kopibeskyttelse: Vandmærke

ISBN: 9788743018537

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 10.07.2020

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: coziness, Mysteries, Romance, drama, Humor


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The married couple Gertrud And Osvald, find a extremely costly diamond ring at the dinner table.

Where did it come from?

It's a mystery, and the explanation turns out to be astonishing.

This short story, is a taste of the book: Hygge Noveller, by the Danish author, Peter Gronbek.
The book will be pulished in English later.
Peter Gronbek

Peter Gronbek

Peter Gronbek is a Danish author, who writes novels and short stories, with coziness, riddels and the humorous that arise between people and people.

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