Structure, Agency and Theory

Structure, Agency and Theory

Contributions to Historical Materialism and the Analysis of Classes, State and Bourgeois Power in Advanced Capitalist Societies

Ib Gram-Jensen

Bind 3: Structure, Agency and Theory



477,1 KB

Kopibeskyttelse: Vandmærke

ISBN: 9788743037460

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 20.04.2021

Sprog: Engelsk


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"Structure, Agency and Theory" challenges common readings of Marx' and Engels' historical materialism and argues the necessity of abandoning their conception of the dialectic of forces and relations of production as the motive power of historical development and transformations because of its doubtful validity and deterministic implications. Instead another fundamental conception in historical materialism, the interaction between social circumstances and agency as the motive power of history, is accentuated with an emphasis on agents' experiences as a causal factor, arguing its potential in terms of historical explanation, and attempting to spell out some of its strategic implications for revolutionary socialism.
Ib Gram-Jensen

Ib Gram-Jensen

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