Strategic Negotiation Campaigns

Strategic Negotiation Campaigns

Andreas Revsbech



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ISBN: 9788771886986

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 05.09.2016

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: Strategic, Negotiation, communication, Competition Law, campaigns


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This LL.M masters thesis is a Negotiation and Dispute Resolution case study that offers new knowledge in regards to:

The concept of a strategic negotiation campaign

The negotiation strategy continuum model

The negotiation tactic of going public and involving other stakeholders

Co-constructive negotiation and group-think

Collaborative negotiations illegality in a perspective of competition law

Public case-workers competitive negotiation strategies towards citizens.

Co-constructive negotiation and white collar crime.
Andreas Revsbech

Andreas Revsbech

Andreas Revsbech holds a LL.M and a BA in Danish and European Ethnology from Copenhagen University Denmark, and is a former antrhopology researcher.

He has been a teacher since 2001 and a coach since 2004 and provides legal advise and negotiation consulting in his firm Revsbech Consulting.

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