Somewhere I Belong

Somewhere I Belong

Elisabeth Kjelmann



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Kopibeskyttelse: Vandmærke

ISBN: 9788743068273

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 14.04.2023

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: Travel novel, Mexico, learning spanish, travelling alone, digital nomad


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In a time with endless choices to live wherever we want, and change our career paths like hairstyles, swiping ourselves through life from date to date and city to city - what decides where we end up?

Many have a dream of becoming digital nomads and having the whole world as their neighbourhood, but does the adventure have a time limit? Does everyone eventually get the need to settle down somewhere, or can you be fulfilled emotionally with the road as your permanent home?

In this book, you will follow my pursuit of feeling grounded while living 5 years in a suitcase. With anecdotes from travelling alone as a woman in Latin America, how Mexico has helped me stress less and live more, and life-changing perspectives from cultures so far from my small corner of the world.
Elisabeth Kjelmann

Elisabeth Kjelmann

Elisabeth Kjelmann, b. 1993. I am a curious copywriter and translator from Denmark. Although I am used to writing texts for others, writing for myself has been a different challenge. It gets quite personal when telling my own stories, perspectives, and reflections. This is specially shown when the adventures of travelling shows their tough sides.

I have a great passion for Mexico, and Latin American cultures in general, and it will shine through in the book, reflected to the overall theme of figuring out where to settle down.

This is my first novel, and I have a strong feeling it will not be my last.

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