In Denmark, the science fiction short story is a thriving genre, though mostly as a subculture. Since 2007, The Danish science fiction association, Science Fiction Cirklen, has published an annual anthology of original science fiction short stories written by Danish authors. The present volume contains a selection from the first two of these annual anthologies. Many Danish authors place their stories in a local setting, and all of them have something to say in addition to “just” being entertaining. You will find philosophical parables, time travels, space yarns, alternate history and much more, as well as stories which in different ways come close to the literary mainstream. The huge Anglo-American influence on Danish culture since the Second World War is noticeable in the way the authors use the tropes and language of the genre in its modern, international vein. In making these stories available in English, our aim – besides entertaining the readers – is to demonstrate that science fiction truly is an international genre and that it is being written, even in small European countries like Denmark. With these words we hope you will enjoy this collection of the “best of the best”.
Contents for Sky City New Science Fiction Stories by Danish Author
Preface Manfred Christiansen: Sky City Niels Gjerløff: Departure Richard Ipsen: The White Bear Glen Stihmøe: Helium Loves Company Flemming R. P. Rasch: The Last Astronaut Morten Brunbjerg: The Organism on Maneo Patrick Leis: The Tourist Dan Mygind: Know Your Target Audience Camilla Wandahl: The Red Parakeets Kenneth Krabat: The Short Arm of History Søren Elmerdahl Hemmingsen: A Contribution to the History of Denmak A. Silvestri: When the Music's Over Nikolaj Højberg: The E-Puzzle Ellen Miriam Pedersen: Leading, Feeding Camilla Fønss Bach Friis: You are my Best Friend Brian P. Ørnbøl: Dreams of Stone Gudrun Østergaard: The Green Jacket Sara Tanderup: In the Surface Lars Ahn Pedersen: Interrogation of Victim no. 5
An Extremely Short History of the Danish Science Fiction Short Story. Afterword by Niels Dalgaard, Ph.D.
19 different Danish authors are represented in this anthology. All of them are writing in the SF genre and all of them have a few words in front of there own short story.
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