"Roxanity" is an extraordinary collection of poems. It covers most aspects of a young woman's life from an angle of simple common sense, and no getting lost in dark speculations. Each poem has a point of positivity, of vibrant life supporting energy, each poem is a confirmation that life is worth living, for it's own sake.
The author gets her inspiration from every day beauty, the sky, clouds, rain, trees, and of course love between woman and man. Often the poems present, clarify and conclude, using no words of complication. Leaving the reader happier, and indeed confirmed in a higher degree of sanity.
I denne samling sætter Roxana Bogdan opmærksomheden primært på kærlighed, forventninger, håb og overvindelse af tvivl og svaghed. Hun præsenterer digte skrevet over en 10-årig periode i overgangen fra ungdommen til voksenlivet. Den beskriver hendes søgen efter forståelse og formål med livet.
Rigt, varieret og meget smukt håndværk. "Roxanity" indbefatter de enestående egenskaber der gør os til mennesker og formidler et budskab der er endegyldigt positivt.
I was born in April 1987 and grew up in Bacau, Romania. I came to Denmark in the beginning of 2011, and I am now still living in Copenhagen. I feel very much inspired by the fresh air of the North and I let the words come out of me.
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