Restaurant Marketing

Restaurant Marketing

Tips & strategies to win in the Food Business

Robert Mark Jakobsen



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Kopibeskyttelse: Vandmærke

ISBN: 9788771708523

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 04.12.2015

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: Restaurant Marketing, marketing, Marketing Tips for Restaurants, Restaurant business, Restaurant Management


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The book includes:

- Inside The Restaurant 
- Online Marketing Tips for Restaurants 
- Social Media Marketing for Restaurants 
- Starting Up 
- Branding & Image 
- Personality & People 
- The Science of Restaurant Growth 
- 4 Core Ways to Increase Restaurant Sales 
- 8 Business Tips For Success 
- Top 15 Quick Restaurant Marketing Ideas 
- Traditional Offline Marketing 
- Facebook Marketing
Robert Mark Jakobsen

Robert Mark Jakobsen

Robert Mark Jakobsen was born in 1968 i Copenhagen Denmark
Has a machinist degree from the Navel Engineering school of Copenhagen (Maskinmesterskolen)

Sales trainer, motivational speaker, author of 4 books and professional magician

Author of:

"Grundbog i salg" (Basic sales - Danish only)
"NLP in selling"
"Messe salg" (Exhibition selling -)
"Sales & Marketing Success in your small business"

Robert combines the art of magic with the art of selling, psychology and NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming) to create extraordinary events live on stage.

Robert captivates the audience with his spellbinding performance.
Teaching the art of selling, using magic as a metaphor, he reveals key concepts and tools to use immediately. His motivational speeches and seminars are changing business training to a more engaging and entertaining experience.

In his role as a magician, Robert Mark Jakobsen participated in the world championships of magic representing Denmark in 2012 in the category for comedy magic.

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