Reflections I

Reflections I

- in words and pictures

George Manus

Bind 1: Reflections

Science fiction & fantasy


11,0 MB

Kopibeskyttelse: Vandmærke

ISBN: 9788771881035

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 16.08.2017

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: cogitate, muse, life, experience, ponder


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A reflection is an afterthought.
While things are happening, we only think about the here and now.
Its only afterwards that we have the opportunity to rethink, analyse, consider and REFLECT.
In this book the author George Manus has reflected over this and that and also the somewhat unexpected.

No less than 61 reflections have been written, some of them dealing with difficult topics such as CHANGE and SENSITIVITY, while others deal with more down to earth topics like a TABLE and a PIPE. Yes, he has also reflected on a GOLFBALL.

Some of the reflections are based on self-experienced stories and events, whereas in others, George focuses on abstract topics.
George Manus

George Manus

George Manus was born in England 14.05.39. His mother was Ida Nikoline Lindebrække from Norway and his English father George Bernardes. His parents divorced and George grew up, after the Second World War, as the stepson of war hero Max Manus in Norway. He got the name Manus but was never adopted.

All his professional life he was engaged in the Max Manus companies and leader of same for about 40 years. Throughout his adult life, he has thought about EVERYTHING, making notes along the way, as a basis for the books he knew he would write upon retirement.
George Manus has fulfilled his dreams and as of today has written several books. In his authorship one can sense the cosmopolitan, which isn't random. He has experienced a lot, lived abroad and for the last fifteen years been firmly ensconced in the South of Spain.


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