Reconstruction of the Planetary Soul

Reconstruction of the Planetary Soul

Randi Green

Natur, miljø & teknik


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Kopibeskyttelse: Vandmærke

ISBN: 9788771885392

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 28.06.2016

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: consciousness, the chakra system, root races, the planetary soul, the planetary templar


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"Reconstruction of the Planetary Soul" is the first book, where we explore what it truly means to be a planetary human on this planet. In the previous three books, we looked at our reality field from the perspective of the stellar races, but in this book we begin the journey into the true humanity of this planet and the solar system, we are part of.

The book looks into what is necessary to meet the requirements of the gathered LPU our reality field is in the process of joining. To meet the requirements, the chakra system has to hold a specific level of light, i.e. the light quotient. The same light quotient is needed to be able to reconstruct the planetary soul; both the planetary templar as well as the individual human soul. From this level of light, we can re-gain our access to the racial timelines and the 12 different root races our planetary templar is able to develop and progress by the use of the consciousness proper to this system.
Randi Green

Randi Green


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