En opskriftsbog med 44 nemme og sunde råkostsalater, udarbejdet i samarbejde med Klinisk Diætist Klaus Frobenius. Der er lagt vægt på simple og overkommelige opskrifter, som alle kan lave.
Alle opskrifter indeholder energiberegninger samt oversigt over indhold af makronæringsstoffer.
CHARLOTTE T. FROBENIUS owns the company FrobbieStories, through which she has mostly published childrens books and fiction. In collaboration with her husband, Klaus, who works as a dietician, Charlotte has for the first time in this genre compiled this recipe book.
KLAUS FROBENIUS is certified and authorized by the Danish government to practice as a clinical dietician, and has his own clinic in Copenhagen. It is his intention with the book to inspire the reader to eat more greens. He believes that healthy cooking should not be too complicated, but manageable in a busy everyday. This reflected by the simplicity of the recipes in this book.
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