PLC Controls with Ladder Diagram (LD), Wire-O

PLC Controls with Ladder Diagram (LD), Wire-O

IEC 61131-3 and introduction to Ladder programming

Tom Mejer Antonsen

Natur, miljø & teknik


224 sider

ISBN: 9788743033363

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 22.06.2021

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: ladder logic, programming, robot, Programmable Controllers, Logix


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This book is an introduction to the programming language Ladder Diagram (LD) used in Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC).

The book provides a general introduction to PLC controls and can be used for any PLC brands.

With a focus on enabling readers without an electrical education to learn Ladder programming, the book is suitable for learners without prior knowledge of Ladder.
The book contains numerous illustrations and program examples, based on real-world, practical problems in the field of automation.

- Background, benefits and challenges of Ladder programming
- PLC hardware, sensors, and basic Ladder programming
- Practical guides and tips to achieve good program structures
- Theory and examples of flowcharts, block diagrams and sequence diagrams
- Design guide to develop functions and function blocks
- Examples of organizing code in program modules and functions
- Sequencing using SELF-HOLD, SET / RESET and MOVE / COMPARE
- Complex code examples for a pump station, tank control and conveyor belt
- Design, development, testing and simulation of PLC programs

The book describes Ladder programming as described in the standard IEC 61131-3. PLC vendors understand this standard in different ways, and not all vendors follows the standard exactly. This will be clear through material from the vendor. This means that some of the program examples in this book may not work as intended in the PLC type you are using. In addition, there is a difference in how the individual PLC type shows graphic symbols and instructions used in Ladder programming.

Note: This is a book for beginners and therefore advanced techniques such as ARRAY, LOOPS, STRUCT, ENUM, STRING, PID and FIFO are not included.
Tom Mejer Antonsen

Tom Mejer Antonsen

The author has 25 years industrial experience with the specification, development and delivery of complex control systems and supervision systems. Of the 25 years, the author has 7 years experience with Pascal Programing and 12 years within automation solutions and systems involving PLC.
For five years, the author has been teaching ladder programming in higher education.
The author has a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (B.Sc.E.E.) from Aarhus University School of Engineering, Denmark.


Der Autor verfügt über 25 Jahre industrielle Erfahrung mit der Spezifikation, Entwicklung und Lieferung komplexer Steuerungs- und Überwachungssysteme. Von den 25 Jahren hat der Autor 7 Jahre Erfahrung mit Pascal-Programmierung und 12 Jahre Erfahrung mit Automatisierungslösungen und -systemen mit SPS. Diese Erfahrung konnte der Autor in vier internationalen Unternehmen sammeln.

Der Autor hat einen Bachelor of Science in Elektrotechnik (B.Sc.E.E.) der Ingenieurschule der Universität Aarhus, Dänemark


Forfatteren har 25-års erfaring inden for specifikation, udvikling og levering af komplekse styringsløsninger og overvågningssystemer. Heraf 7-års erfaring inden for Pascal programmering samt 12-års erfaring med løsninger og systemer, der indeholder PLC. Erfaringen fra ansættelse i fire internationale virksomheder og levering af mere end 1000 systemløsninger til 20 lande, er således en stor del af grundlaget for indholdet i bogen.

Forfatteren har i gennem fem år undervist i Ladder programmering på videregående uddannelser, både deltids- og fuldtidsuddannelser.

Forfatteren er Svagstrømsingeniør (B.Sc.E.E.) fra Århus Teknikum.

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