Buku "Papua Berdarah" adalah sebuah akunt yang membawa pembaca melewati bagian barat dari pulau New Guinea. Interval waktu selama tiga tahun, Peter Bang, yang adalah seorang penulis dan photographer mengambarkan pengalamannya diantara orang pribumi Papua Barat dari sebuah sejarah ancaman kepunahan atau genoside yang berkelanjutan.
PAPUA BERDARAH is a documentary eyewitness account taking the reader through the western part of the island of New Guinea. Over an interval spanning three decades the Danish author and photographer Peter Bang describes his experiences among the indigenous people of West Papua, who are threatened by a continuing history of extinction. The book is an Indonesian/Bahasa translation of the English edition of the book Papua Blood - A Photographers Eyewitness Account of West Papua over 30 Years.
Peter Bang - Born 1957 in Denmark. Photographer and author of travel accounts and photo documentary books about indigenous people. Travel and subsistence among native people in Asia, Africa, North America, Greenland and the Pacific.
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