My nightly wanderings under shining stars and darken skies

My nightly wanderings under shining stars and darken skies

A novel

Henrik Neergaard

Romaner & noveller


235,4 KB

Kopibeskyttelse: Vandmærke

ISBN: 9788743017769

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 29.05.2020

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: Modern life, Humor, Technology Issues, Self-driving Cars, A wild and crazy Christmas party


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A man makes a bet at a damp Christmas get-together. He bets a female academic that he can write a book too, even if he is not an intellectual. And then, of course, he is going to have to write that book, so as not to loose the bet. The book turns out to contain a little of each about his daily life. And a bit of philosophy about living in the modern world, as he sees it. Among other things digital computer technology, internet-of-things etc. etc. He doesn't believe in self-driving cars. Most people will still prefer to sit at the wheel of their own car. And a self-driving motorbike is not much fun, he thinks. But what about self-sailing amphibious mini container ships?
And a lot of other crazy ideas. that he and his friends discuss in the wake of another even more damp Christmas party the following year. But mind you, some of this is in earnest, believe it or not.
Henrik Neergaard

Henrik Neergaard

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