Love to you

Love to you

sweet one

Pia Brandt Danborg

Romaner & noveller


372 sider

ISBN: 9788743027782

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 07.09.2020

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: Love, respect, daily quotes, Potential, change


inkl. moms / ekskl. forsendelse


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A feel good book for you.

This is the book that supports you, when you feel shaken, that helps you heal, when you feel broken, that stands with you, when you are ready to make changes.

Kind words of love given to you every day of the year. This book can be used year after year to help you be more loving, supportive and true to yourself and to move on to a better life for you.

Because you are the expert in your life.

Love to you.
Pia Brandt Danborg

Pia Brandt Danborg

Pia is a Danish author as well as a trauma-releasing therapist, a social worker in psychiatry all while homeschooling her two children.

Pias greatest aim in life is to advocate more respectful and loving environments where people meet, everywhere in society - school, sports, work and so on.

"To help the children is to help the whole world, our future. Helping the parents is part of helping the children."

Pia is formerly a neurobiologist with fiver years of experience researching adverse effects from psychiatric drug use.

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