Land of friendliness and beauty

Land of friendliness and beauty

A Danes Guide to Western North Carolina

Jan Kronsell



200 sider

ISBN: 9788743013976

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 03.02.2020

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: North Carolina, USA, People, Travelguide, Traveladvice


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What I would have like to have known before my first visit!

An introduction to Western North Carolina, history, geograhpy, nature and not least the people of the region, written by a foreigner, who have fallen completely in love with this tract of land and the people living there.

Statistical information, attractions, places to stay and places to eat in 32 counties in Western North Carolina, including information and advice for first time travellers to USA and WNC. This second edition is updated with more photos and more attractions.

The book is based on several visits to the region over the last 20 years.
Jan Kronsell

Jan Kronsell

Har lavet lidt af hvert, og har blandet andet været sanitør, søofficer, systemkonsulent hos IBM og handelsskolelærer.

Tilbringer så mange ferier som muligt i USA og har pt. kørt godt 140.000 km på amerikanske veje.

Har tidligere udgivet (på engelsk):

Land of Friendliness and beauty - A Danes Guide to Western North Carolina

The Doctor's Secret. En kort roman om historien bag sangen om Tom Dooley.

På dansk: Vejen til Petaluma - en om oplevelser og mange på samme på ture i USA.

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