Justified Punishment

Justified Punishment

Boeje Aagaard Kristensen

Bind 1: DANIEL

Krimi & spænding


449,4 KB

Kopibeskyttelse: Vandmærke

ISBN: 9788743049760

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 27.06.2023

Sprog: Engelsk


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Justified Punishment is the first published novel by the Scandinavian author from Denmark, Boeje Aagaard Kristensen.

Boeje Aagaard Kristensen (born 1955) is a self-taught author.
Born and growing up on a farm with all kinds of animals, wide acres and nature with forest and heath. As an adult he worked as a banker in Denmark and shortly in Germany and later as a financial advisor. On the side he bought and ran a farm with forest and production of Christmas trees. The farm was for many years also the home of himself, his wife and their two girls.

In 2018 he published his first novel in Danish - Hvem slukkede lyset? - in 2023 translated into English with the title: Justified Punishment.
The locations in the novel Justified Punishment are: a small community in the center of Jutland, Denmark, a county called Salling north of the town Skive also in Jutland, Aarhus - the largest city in Jutland, Sydney - Australia, and Fiji.
Holger Danielsen said:
"I think maybe somebody wants to hurt me, Daniel."
Holger Danielsen felt he was in danger. Was there a connection between his past as a member of the resistance group during world war II, and the attempts to kill him?
Or was he suffering from dementia, and the attempts to kill him were only in his own imagination?
He felt helpless at the elder center, he had been brought to. He sent a letter to his son, Daniel, who after a personal tragedy had gone to Australia.
But Daniel was in danger himself. A coincidental meeting with a local drug dealer - called Taipan - put him at risk. Taipan signed a contract on his life...

"Desperation, Daniel. Desperation and stress. Then you don't realize the consequences. And then what you choose to do in a desperate situation might turn out to be fatal for someone else."

Using his right hand Daniel grabbed The Eel by the neck.
"Do you read me, bastard? Are you ready to die?"
Boeje Aagaard Kristensen

Boeje Aagaard Kristensen

A Danish - Scandinavian author.
Boeje Aagaard Kristensen (born 1955) is a self-taught author.

Born and growing up on a farm with all kinds of animals, wide acres and nature with forest and heath. As an adult he worked as a banker in Denmark and shortly in Germany and later as a financial advisor. On the side he bought and ran a farm with forest and production of Christmas trees. The farm was for many years also the home of himself, his wife and two daughters.

In 2018 he published his first novel in Danish - Hvem slukkede lyset? - in 2023 translated into English with the title: Justified Punishment.

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