

- A Resource for Children

Ingelise Flensborg, Lise Olrik, Kis Henriksen



108 sider

ISBN: 9788743017677

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 11.08.2020

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: family, adult


inkl. moms / ekskl. forsendelse


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We are three Danish grandmothers who have written a book of values and activities we want to share and promote to make a good life for upgrowing children – for grandchildren. The book falls in three parts – Art and Culture, The Role of Nature and Creative Processes.
The focus is on all the activities and ideas that can give you a rich and authentic relationship to your grandchildren or any relation between a grown-up and a child. The three parts are based on theoretical and didactic ideas, and the photos are helpful to give an idea of what can be practiced together with the children. The book is for persons, that are interested in seeing a child growing up with all its potentials.
Ingelise Flensborg

Ingelise Flensborg

INGELISE FLENSBORG – 1946 - Associate professor, PhD, Author

Author of section 1. ART and CULTURE
My profession as an educator, first as an art teacher and later as an instructor at a teacher training college and then university, has been immensely inspired by my creative and imaginative childhood. I shared my experiences in Art and Culture with my niece and nephew and now with my grandchildren by taking them to visit museums, walking with them in cities, participating in creative endeavors, such as drawing, painting, and clay work, and other activities that engage their imagination.

Lise Olrik

Lise Olrik

LISE OLRIK – 1948 - Teacher, MA of French and Didactics, Author

Author of section 2. THE ROLE OF NATURE
As a child nature was both my friend and my challenge, but early on I made an active choice to welcome all of nature into my life and it has proven to be one of the values I cherish most. My experiences with nature are what I wish to pass on to the next generation – my grandchildren. For 45 years I have been a teacher, it is part of my identity, and I feel pulled to continue to pass on knowledge and values to the children and young people who cross my path.

Kis Henriksen

Kis Henriksen

KIS HENRIKSEN – 1947 - Preschool teacher, Art teacher, MA of Art, Art terapist, Author and Publisher

Author of section 3. CREATIVE PROCESSES.
As preschool teacher, art teacher and art therapist, my professional interest have focused on children’s remarkable ability to express themselves through creative medias. Even long before being educated as a preschool teacher, I discovered that children have an unique ability to express themselves and their imagination through playing, drawing and interacting with art. For five years, together with my first grandchild, William, I shared what became known as “Grandmother Tuesdays”. I wrote a book about these Tuesdays, where my grandchild became the catalyst for my professional work on creative processes with many different

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