Forgiveness and Repentance lead to Financial Breakthrough!

Forgiveness and Repentance lead to Financial Breakthrough!

Elena Radef

Det spirituelle


242,9 KB

Kopibeskyttelse: Vandmærke

ISBN: 9788743006602

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 02.07.2018

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: trust, Heart, Healing, growth, prosperity


inkl. moms

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There has to be a deep searching out in the heart for forgiveness and repentance in order to walk in the favour of the Lord: a thoroughly cleansing of the heart, being washed with the love of Christ - that brings it back to the place within, in which Christ intended to be.

Unanswered prayers are hidden in this mystery of Christ. They are hidden because many don’t allow time in Christ to work its way through it.

Forgiveness and repentance lead to financial breakthrough but also the blessings and favour from the Lord that He truly wants His people to experience and live in.

Do you have:
Unanswered prayers in your financial situation?
Unanswered prayers in your relationships?
Unanswered prayers in your family life?
Unanswered prayers for things that money can’t buy: a child, a spouse or a job?
Elena Radef

Elena Radef

When Elena Radef was 22, she had an encounter with the Lord where she saw Jesus and ever since that day she has pursued His love. This was the first step of her becoming aware of her calling into the ministry. There were some detours before she fully recognized her calling. Her passion is: for people to walk in their calling and freedom of the Lord and to live to see the heart of Christ displayed in people’s lives.

For the past three decades Elena Radef has worked as a psychologist/therapist, training instructor, with leadership training and attended Bible school.


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