Forever in the light

Forever in the light

Anne Kari B. Solstad

Sundhed & ernæring


282,2 KB

Kopibeskyttelse: Vandmærke

ISBN: 9788771706635

Forlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 08.05.2015

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: Reincarnation, Spirit, soul, Afterlife, esotericism


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This book Forever, in the LIGHT, is the last in the Trilogy Messages from the Universe of the Norwegian author Anne Kari B Solstad.

The RED LINE about the death don’t exist continue! - and we get more exiting and inexplicable experiences from The Other Side. Messages by birds.

An angel which appear from no-where… And lots will recognize themselves in the Experiences!


"Thanks! I have these thoughts myself. I thought I was "nuts"."

"This book has been a support in a hard time in my life!"

"An important book! I really hope you will sell lots!"

"Exciting dreams! I have some myself, but did think they were nonsense. Now I will start to write them."
 Anne Kari B. Solstad

Anne Kari B. Solstad

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