Everybody Has a Story

Everybody Has a Story

Erasmus 2014. Campus Haderslev

Torbjørn Ydegaard

Samfund, politik, kultur & medier


6,0 MB

Kopibeskyttelse: Vandmærke

ISBN: 9788776917227

Forlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 15.05.2014

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: College, Haderslev, South-Danmark, studentes, storytelling


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"Everybody has a story, and it’s important to tell this story" – so goes a saying of Erin Gruwell, the founder of The Freedom Writer-pedagogy. This quote is now turned into a book-title – or actually into a series of books like this one in either English or Danish.

"Everybody Has A Story" is a book based on The Freedom Writers methodology – in a double sense; the methodology was both taught to and implemented on a group international students at University College South-Denmark, Campus Haderslev.

The book bears witness of young peoples lived lives across Europe, Russia, and Japan. It contains stories told in prose, poems as well as in drawings – and it contains stories about love, loss of love and loss of loved ones, about dreams of future lives and wonders of lives as such. And it tells stories about bullying, mental illness and simple strives just to be able to survive and live on.
Torbjørn Ydegaard

Torbjørn Ydegaard

Torbjørn Ydegaard, vejleder i friluftsliv, lektor i pædagogik og skoleinspektør i Ittooqqortoormiit i Grønland.

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