Digital Economics

Digital Economics

The Digital Transformation of Global Business

Jens Christensen

Historie & biografier


500 sider

ISBN: 9788771886504

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 12.10.2016

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: digital disruption, business, Industries, market economy


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In the 2010s, new technological and business trends threaten, or promise, to disrupt multiple industries to such a degree that we might be moving into a new and fourth industrial revolution. The background and content of these new developments are laid out in the book from a holistic perspective. Based on an outline of the nature and developments of the market economy, business, global business industries and IT, the new technological and business trends are thoroughly dealt with, including issues such as internet, mobile, cloud, big data, internet of things, 3D-printing, the sharing economy, social media, gamification, and the way they transform industries and businesses
Jens Christensen

Jens Christensen

Lektor, dr.phil. Jens Christensen ved Aarhus Universitet har gennem mange år arbejdet med det historiske og aktuelle samspil mellem forretning og teknologi i et både samfundsmæssigt og virksomhedsmæssigt perspektiv.

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