Determination of particle sizes in the pharmaceutical industry

Determination of particle sizes in the pharmaceutical industry

A practical guide

Karin Liltorp, Søren Lund Kristensen, Thomas Andresen

Samfund, politik, kultur & medier


3,1 MB

Kopibeskyttelse: Vandmærke

ISBN: 9788776914851

Forlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 18.06.2014

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: pharmacy, pharmacist, drugs, medicine


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At Particle Analytical, we have been working with determination of particle sizes for the pharmaceutical industry since 2000. Our customers have in general showed a large interest for an introduction to this area from a down-to-earth and practical perspective. The intended readers of this booklet are pharmacists and technicians working with determination of particles sizes. This booklet is not meant as a thorough introduction into theory behind determination of particle sizes, and only a limited number of references will be given: The booklet is primarily based on our own experiences and is a practical introduction to the area with a brief introduction to "why" and "how" in determination of particle sizes.
Karin Liltorp

Karin Liltorp

Principle scientist, Particle Analytical ApS. Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry.

Søren Lund Kristensen

Søren Lund Kristensen

CEO & Founder, Particle Analytical ApS.

Thomas Andresen

Thomas Andresen

QA manager, M.Sc. (Chem. Eng.) Particle Analytical ApS. 14 years experience in determination of particle sizes of pharmaceuticals.

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