Captive in Neuschwabenland

Captive in Neuschwabenland

Internment in New Swabia

Kai Kean

Krimi & spænding


90,5 KB

Kopibeskyttelse: Vandmærke

ISBN: 9788743032083

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 05.04.2021

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: Neuschwabenland, Atlantis, aryans, Crystals, Nazis


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In this the second part to Journey to Neuschwabenland, we follow our team in the camp amongst the Aryans of Aryanopolis and their daring escape along with an Atlantean in the hope of escaping to Neo Atlantis in order to find a way home and away from their nazi captors. On their way they will find other Aryans and get through a mysterious ancient city.
Kai Kean

Kai Kean

Kai Kean is author of mysterious stories and tales from unseen worlds that might be waiting just around the corner.

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