Another turn to the dark side

Another turn to the dark side

Lasse Thang Jørgensen

Klassikere & lyrik


52 sider

ISBN: 9788743057895

Forlag: BoD - Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 01.05.2024

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: poem, Bipolar, depression, Mental health, life


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This poem collecting is in short about my life with bipolar and they are all from the beginning of 2021. There are ups and downs in my poems and most of the time with hope and optimism.

In this new edition of Another Turn to the Dark Side, only the setup is changed from the first edition.
Lasse Thang Jørgensen

Lasse Thang Jørgensen

I'm a Dane living in Denmark but I write in English.

I began to write poems way back in 2006. Its songs there inspire me to write a poem, which is also why I call my poems for songs from my heart. The first 15 years were meant to put music on my poems and edit in the future. But I gave up that idea in 2020 and I started to change my style in writing poems. In 2023 I began to write more poems from a more left-wing political view more often. There are also more anti-war poems.

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