A fun flip book: Working with Americans and Working with Danes

A fun flip book: Working with Americans and Working with Danes

A delightful but informative look at cultural differences between Denmark and the USA

Kay Xander Mellish



3,4 MB

Kopibeskyttelse: Vandmærke

ISBN: 9788743064640

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 21.10.2020

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: comparative studies, American, cultural differences, cultural induction, danish


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This flip book combination of Kay Xander Mellish's classic "Working with Americans: Tips for Danes" and "Working with Danes: Tips for Americans" is a fun way for both Danes and Americans to learn about each other's working culture - and take a peek at what's being said about their own way of working.

Danish working culture, with its flat hierarchy, isn't always a good fit with ambitious, charismatic American bosses. Meanwhile, the American way of selling can be too emotional and aggressive for the Danes, who prefer a more fact-based, authentic approach.

Americans sometimes struggle with the Danish way of doing business, which often puts the needs of employees above the needs of customers. The limited Danish work week and five weeks a year of annual paid vacation sometimes makes Americans feel that their Danish counterparts are never in the office when they need them.

This guide to doing business in Denmark and doing business in the US also contains information on business etiquette, such as dining out and giving business gifts. It offers additional insights on social life in the two countries, including tips on small talk and how to make friends.

The light, easy-reading tone of this book makes it an ideal guide to US business culture vs Danish business culture.
Kay Xander Mellish

Kay Xander Mellish

Kay Xander Mellish is a US-DK dual citizen and the author of five books about internationals in Denmark.

One of Denmark's top speakers on cultural differences, she also holds seminars and presentations on Danish working culture and helps newcomers to Denmark adapt and thrive at Danish companies.

Kay is the voice behind the "How to Live in Denmark" podcast and the long-running How to Live in Denmark blog.

She also coaches Danish companies that need help working more smoothly and effectively with their US colleagues, customers, and suppliers.

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