A Dialectical Perspective on the Concept of Romanticism

A Dialectical Perspective on the Concept of Romanticism

Multiple Ideologies in an Infinitely Expanding Framework

Nicklas Skovgaard Petersen

Samfund, politik, kultur & medier


188 sider

ISBN: 9788743013563

Forlag: Books on Demand

Udgivelsesdato: 27.01.2020

Sprog: Engelsk

Nøgleord: romanticism, Cultural Theory, William Wordsworth, Literary theory, Romantic writers


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In this book, I present and discuss a dialectical rethinking of the concept of Romanticism. The viewpoint on the concept has undergone a significant transformation since Jerome McGann first challenged the traditional definition of Romanticism.

This perspective expands the framework of the concept by generating a forum for further study on the literary canon of Romanticism. Instead of defining the concept solely on the similarities of the romantic writers, this book aims to step beyond theoretical limitations and provide an approach to the study of cultural theory which creates a continuous and evergrowing synthesis of thought.
Nicklas Skovgaard Petersen

Nicklas Skovgaard Petersen

This book is the first publication by the danish writer Nicklas Skovgaard Petersen.

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